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Displaying Japanese Boro Garments & Textiles

Displaying Japanese Textiles
5 Easy, Eye-Catching Methods To Display Garments
(see photo gallery below)

1. Using Ceiling Eye Hooks, Line & Clips For Boro Textiles:

A. Insert 2 eye screw hooks into the ceiling about the same width of the boro, adjacent to the wall you wish to display the textile.
B. Attach a clear thick line (or picture hanging wire) to the eye hook.
C. Attache the line to a wood dowel rod (or bamboo rod) that’s a little longer than the width of the textile.
D. Fold the top edge of the boro over the rod and use 3 to 4 large clips to hold the boro.

2. Using Ceiling Eye Hooks & Line For Jackets:

A. Insert 2 eye hooks into the ceiling about the same width of the jacket, next to the wall you wish to display the textile.
B. Attach a clear thick line (or picture hanging wire) to the eye hook.
C. Attache the line to a wood dowel rod (or bamboo rod) that’s a little longer than the width of the textile.
D. Slide the rod through the sleeves to hang.

3. Using Tube Method For Boro Textiles:

A. Sew a 4" wide fabric tube along the whole width of the top edge of the boro futon cover.
B. Sew stitches which go through all layers of the boro. Insert a 3/4 inch or 1 inch wooden dowel through the sleeve and attach the dowel to
the wall or hand from the ceiling with line (described above).

4. Using Velcro & Wood Strip For Boro Textiles:

A. Attach a 2" wide strip of the hook side of Velcro tape onto a 4 inch wide wooden board
B. The board should be slightly shorter in length than the width of the boro textile.
C. Then machine stitch the remaining portion of Velcro tape onto a 3" wide washed fabric strip.
D. Sew the fabric and Velcro strip onto the boro futon cover using stitches that go through all layers of the boro textile.
E. Attached the Velcro/cotton strip on the textile to the Velcro strip on the board.

5.  Using A Traverse Curtain Rod For Boro Textiles & Jackets

A. Attach the traverse rod to the wall or ceiling.
B. Fasten lines to a few of the slides.
C. Attache 2 line2 to one or more a wood dowel rod (or bamboo rod) that are a little longer than the width of the textile.
D. For Textiles --- Fold the top edge of the boro over the rod and use 3 to 4 large clips to hold the boro.
E. For Jackets --- Slide the rod through the sleeves to hang.
F. This method allows you not only to swap textiles, but slide them horizontally for the most pleasing placement.

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